As per By-Law 2024-02-011
Table of administration related fees
Item | Price |
Tax certification (per roll number)
Realty Information Sheet (per roll number)
NSF Cheques
Duplicate Tax or Utility Bill
Tax Receipt for Income Tax Purposes
Fax – Receive
Fax – Transmit
Photocopies (per copy)
Township Road Maps
County Map
Animal Services
Pet Tags – applies to all pet owners with sterilized pets
- $15.00 per year per pet, if tags purchased before March 31st
- $25.00 per year per pet, if tags purchased after March 31st
Pet Tags – applies to all pet owners with unsterilized pets
- $20.00 per year per pet, if tags purchased before March 31st
- $30.00 per year per pet, if tags purchased after March 31st
Obtain a pet tag
Building Permit Fee
- Applies to all applicants
- As per Schedule A of By-Law 00-01-10, as amended by [By-Law 2024-02-011]
Business Licensing
- Applies to all uses as defined
- As per Schedule A of [By-Law 2012-04-020] as amended by By-Law 2024-02-011
Municipal Tax Sale Act Scale of Fees
- Applies to all property owners who have a Tax Arrears Certificate registered against their property
- As per Schedule A of [By-Law 02-03-128] as amended by [By-Law 2024-02-011]
Fire and Emergency Services
Fire False Alarm
- Applies to the properties affected
- As per [By-Law 08-03-388] as amended by [By-Law 2024-02-011]
Burning Permits
- Applies to all properties affected
- Recreational Burning Permit - $10.00 per year
- Open Air Burning Permit - $20.00 per year
Obtain a burning permit
Burning Inspections
- Applies to all properties looking to burn larger than a bush pile
- $25.00 per inspection
Lottery Licences
Break Open Tickets, Bingo, Raffles and Others – 3% of price value
Learn more about lottery licences
Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (MFIPPA)
Fee charges for requests for general information
Item | Price |
Application fee (paid on submission of request)
Search time (per ¼ of an hour)
Record preparation (per ¼ of an hour)
Photocopying (per page)
Computer programming (per ¼ of an hour to develop program to retrieve info)
CDs (per CD)
Fee charges for request for personal information
Item | Price |
Application fee (paid on submission of request)
Photocopying (per page)
Computer programming (per ¼ of an hour to develop program to retrieve info)
CDs (per CD)
Planning and Development
Development Charges
- Applies to all applicants
- As per [By-Law 2020-09-039] as amended by [By-Law 2024-02-011]
Planning Fees
- Applies to all applicants
- As per [By-Law 2020-12-056] as amended by [By-Law 2024-02-011]
Planning and development fees table
Item | Price |
Copies of Drawings
Cost to reproduce
Copies of Mylar
Cost to reproduce
Copies of Official Plan & Zoning By-Laws (text only)
Copies of Site Plan Agreements
Cost to reproduce
Individual Official Plan or Zoning By-Law Map Schedules (per map)
Planning/Zoning Confirmation (per roll number)
Public Works
Public Works related fees
Item | Price |
Civic address - Green sign blade
Civic address – Post with hardware
Civic address – Post with hardware including sign blade
Cost + HST
Sewer and Water
- Residential/Farm: RT - 0.00296897 X assessment
- Multi-Residential: MT - 0.00577049 X assessment
- Commercial - Occupied: CT - 0.00538779 X assessment
- Commercial - New Construction: XT - 0.00538779 X assessment
- Commercial - Excess Land: CU - 0.00538779 X assessment
- Commercial Vacant Land: CX - 0.00538779 X assessment
- Farmlands Properties: FT - 0.00074224 X assessment
On-Site Sewage Systems
- As per Schedule A of [By-Law 2019-11-057] as amended by [By-Law 2024-05-033]
- Applies to connected residential properties
- $831.00 per year per unit
- As per [By-Law 2023-01-005]
- Applies to metered properties (industrial and commercial)
- $13.41 per 1,000 gallons for the first 30,000 gallons per quarter
- $11.40 per 1,000 gallons for the next 270,000 gallons per quarter
- $9.93 per 1,000 gallons for the balance in excess of 300,000 gallons per quarter
- Total minimum bill of $200.00 per quarter
- As per [By-Law 2024-01-66]
Waste and Recycling Collection
Residential Collection
Applies to all residential units
$220.00 per year per unit
As per [By-Law 2024-02-011]
Commercial Collection
Applies to all commercial units
$220.00 per year, plus additional fees as agreed
As per [By-Law 2024-02-011]
Additional or replacement bin fees
Bin Type | Price |
Green Cart - 240 L
$100.00 + HST
Yellow Cans
$29.50 + HST
Blue Box
$9.50 + HST
Yellow Can Mesh Cover
$5.00 + HST
Learn more about garbage, recycling, and composting