We are now allowing the public a final opportunity to review the draft plan and provide comments virtually until July 12, 2024. 

 Draft Active Transportation and Trails Plan 
Your input is important to us!
Engaging the community is a vital component of this study. Click here to view the preliminary study recommendations that the project team has established for Laurentian Valley's first Active Transportation and Trails Plan.  
Please provide ideas and comments by July 12, 2024 by emailing lvactivetp@ptsl.com

The Township of Laurentian Valley has retained Paradigm Transportation Solutions Limited to complete the Township of Laurentian Valley Active Transportation and Trails Plan (ATTP). 

The Active Transportation and Trails Plan (ATTP) will provide the Township with a strategic and forward-looking plan to enhance the infrastructure and services that current and future residents want. There are many excellent active transportation facilities in the Township today, from recreational trails in nature areas such as the Forest Lea Trails or the LV Four Seasons Trail – to the Algonquin Trail. But there are also many opportunities to add new facilities or simply better connect the existing facilities that exist. The plan will establish a vision for active transportation in Laurentian Valley that:

  • Promotes the development of a well-connected and safe active transportation network; and
  • Supports active transportation as an affordable and convenient transportation mode for different trip purposes and users of various abilities and ages. 

What is Active Transportation?

Active transportation is typically defined as human-powered form of travelling using muscle power. Examples include:

  • Walking
  • Running
  • Cycling
  • Rollerblading
  • Skateboarding
  • Cross-country skiing

The Trails portion of the plan will also consider other modes of recreational transportation including:

  • Equestrian
  • Snowmobiles
  • Off-Road vehicles including all-terrain vehicles (ATVs)
What will the study involve?
The process of developing the ATTP will be completed in three phases:
Phase 1: Foundation Building 

Will include a review of background conditions to lay the foundation for the ATTP. We will gather information and collect data, consult with the public and stakeholders to understand key issues and report on the existing baseline conditions.

Phase 2: Plan Formulation

Will develop the tools to undertake technical analysis, assess the opportunities and constraints for active transportation in Laurentian Valley, develop the network, establish the supporting policy framework, and create the implementation plan.

Phase 3: Final Engagement and Documentation (we are here)

Will include public and stakeholder outreach to present the draft plan and gather feedback. We will then finalize the report and present to Township Council.

How can I provide input?

Public and stakeholder participation is an essential component of the Active Transportation and Trails Plan. The public engagement program for the study has been designed to encourage meaningful, two-way communication so that the final plan aligns with the Township’s vision and unique community features. This will include opportunities to converse with the consultant team, Township staff and provide input on ideas and recommendations through an online survey and open house as work progresses.

Your input is important to us!

The first opportunity to provide input to the study team was by completing our short online survey, asking a series of questions about active transportation travel in Township and ideas for improvements. The public engagement opportunity by way of completing the survey closed on October 31st, 2023.

The second opportunity to provide input to the study team was by attending a Public Open House on June 19, 2024 from 4:00pm to 7:30pm at Alice & Fraser Rec Centre where preliminary study recommendations were presented allowing for the public to discuss their ideas and provide comments.

We are now allowing the public one final opportunity to review the draft plan and provide comments virtually until July 12, 2024.   To view the draft plan click here.  To provide comments to the project team by emailing lvactivetp@ptsl.com.  

Where can I get further information?

To stay informed on this project, please subscribe to this page by clicking on the subscribe button to receive updates about the study and notices for future public engagement events.

For more information about this study or to provide comments, please contact Kevin Jones, Consultant Team Project Manager, Paradigm Transportation Solutions at lvactivetp@ptsl.com or one of the Project Managers:
Navada Sargent
Township of Laurentian Valley, Planning and Recreational Coordinator
613-735-6291 x207 | lvactivetp@ptsl.com

Kevin Jones
Paradigm Transportation Solutions Limited, Consultant Team Project Manager
416-479-9684 x513 | lvactivetp@ptsl.com