Yellow graphic with notice of LV and the City of Pembroke's Master Transportation Plan.

The Township of Laurentian Valley's transportation network connects our community. It includes our roads, bridges, sidewalks, and more.

The Township of Laurentian Valley has partnered with the City of Pembroke and has retained Paradigm Transportation Solutions Limited as the successful firm to complete the Township of Laurentian Valley/City of Pembroke Transportation Master Plan East-West Traffic.

The objective is to have this report engage the public and Municipal Councils and provide professional advice as to the orderly expansion, addition or modification, to the Transportation Network for East-West traffic in the municipalities of the Township of Laurentian Valley and the City of Pembroke that will serve the development needs of the area over the next 20 years.

The Master Plan process will include: a review of Highway 148 as it relates to traffic management; summary of existing network and traffic flow based on existing and new data collected; projections of future traffic from Provincial highways, County roads, and local growth; evaluation of the response of existing infrastructure to future needs; identification of opportunities to expand or make changes to the systems to response to increased demands; identification of opportunities to increase infrastructure to promote active transportation; a schedule of recommended improvements and their timelines for completion based on the requested 20-year period; recommendations to optimize the performance of existing infrastructure and identify areas where capacity is currently being exceeded; anticipated costing for forecasted projects to respond to needs; and identification of potential funding sources for future works.

The Transportation Master Plan East-West Traffic will provide important information and recommendations to guide Official Plan policies and development approval decisions, as well as, future decisions on transportation infrastructure. As a collaborative project with the City of Pembroke, the Master Plan provides the opportunity to ensure a holistic approach to future decisions on transportation.

As the process unfolds there will be opportunities for public engagement at various stages. A webpage is under development by Paradigm to provide up-to-date information on the project and will be linked to our website once it is launched. To stay informed on this project, please subscribe to this page by clicking on the subscribe button to receive updates.

Questions related to the process can be directed to Lauree Armstrong, Township Planner at 613-735-6291.